Wednesday, October 28, 2020

How to Help Your Preschooler with Online Learning?

A large percentage of kids would be attending their school online, either fully or in part, and for a lot of them, it will be a completely new experience. Fortunately, there are many things that parents could do to help kids transition to digital learning.

Create a Structure

Set aside a dedicated place for your child to do homework assignments and study. The area needs to be quiet, clutter-free, a place where your kid could focus better with as little interruptions as possible. It needs to contain all the materials that would be required to complete their day’s assignment.

The teachers at the Preschool in Vadodara recommend that parents should create schedule for their child’s online learning which would work well for their family and then have their child stick to that routine.

Get up, Move

Kids tend to get restless, so it would make sense to build-in time for movement as well. The teachers at the Kindergarten in Vadodara suggest that taking frequent breaks during the day for physical activity could help your kid remain engaged during their online learning sessions. Also, try considering how some kids perform much more effectively while they are standing. If it is true for your child, then you could put the computer on a surface that is raised to appropriate level.

It might be helpful to allow your kid to take breaks when they become frustrated over their assignments. Even a short break-time could provide them with the necessary headspace and change of pace.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Making Sure That Your Kid Is Getting Enough Good Night’s Sleep


Is your child soon going to start attending preschool for the first time? Perhaps the vacations are over and you and your little one needs to prepare for back-to-school? For both the cases, it is important to make sure that your child gets ample amount of sleep every day. And for that to be possible alongside school, it is important for your child to have a proper sleeping schedule. They need enough good-night’s sleep so as to be able to better focus in schools and stay productive and energized.

Lack of sleep can lead to behavioral problems such as emotional bursts and tantrums, defiant behaviors, etc.

Here are a few easy ways suggested by a caretaker at the preschool in Vadodara of making sure that your child receives ample amount of sleep:

Right amount of good-night’s sleep

It’s really important that your child receive ample amount of sleep during the night time, along with short naps throughout the day time. Kids between 3 – 5 years of age need at least 10 to 13 hours of sleep in a day.

Maintain a sleeping routine

It is equally necessary to maintain a sleeping schedule, including going to bed and waking up at proper, set time. The sleeping routine, suggests a caretaker at the best preschool in Vadodara, can include brushing their teeth and a soothing bath before bedtime, or a special bed-time story as well. Sleeping routine should be maintained, but little flexibility can be afforded once in a while when your child wants to stay up a bit longer.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Adaptive-Skills Activities for your Toddler

There are some specific skills that are important for your little one to learn before you have him/her enrolled in a preschool program or kindergarten; these are the skills that would enable your child to take care of themselves better, come more self-dependent, and thereby handle simple tasks. Such adaptive skills that need to be learned by your child includes things such as getting themselves dressed to basic hygiene, and feeding themselves to taking care of their own chores. The preschool in Vadodara ensures that students learn these essential skills, and it is recommended that parents encourage these activities at home too.

Kids at such young age are really eager learners, therefore, it is important that parents and teachers take advantage of it by always encouraging kids to take care of personal hygiene, getting themselves dressed and having their meal themselves.

Practice Hygiene
Parents must encourage their toddlers to practice personal hygiene. They must learn it before they start attending elementary school atleast. Essential basic hygiene practices may include potty training. The parents could start with encouraging their child with toilet habits, brushing their teeth and bathing, suggests a teacher at the top kindergarten in Subhanpura. Pretend play could be a really effective way of teaching kids the basic hygiene-practices.

Practice Self-feeding
The preschool inVadodara assists children in encouraging them to feed themselves, so that they can learn it, atleast, by the time they reach kindergarten. As parents, it is one’s responsibility to ensure that their child learns opening their own lunchbox and eat food themselves.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Do Preschool-Going Kids Still Need Naps?

There are preschools that are eliminating naps altogether. This is because these preschool programs want to prepare the kids for kindergarten, where the daytime naps don’t take place any more. But, what about the times when your kid isn’t at school? How could parents tell if their kids still need naps?

During early childhood, crucial mental and physical development occurs - suggests a caregiver at the preschool in AtladaraVadodara – and naps provide kids with the much-needed downtime that’s crucial for rejuvenation and growth.

Most preschoolers tend to get about 10-12 hours of total sleep during nighttime, and then they need some more rest. This is partly because how active these kids just are at this age. And while parents may worry that daytime naps would make falling asleep at night more challenging for their little ones, the fact is that naps can actually keep kids from getting overtired. And why’s that important? It is important because being overtired could make falling asleep during bedtime all the more difficult for kids.

Here is another great thing about naps. In case your kid doesn’t really fall asleep during the naptime, at least he/she would get some quiet time. And if that peaceful time leads to sleep altogether, then that is good. And if not, there’s value in quiet time in itself, even when your kid looks at their book in the bed. So, the caregiver at the preschool inGotri Vadodara suggests, provides your child with ample naptime to keep them active and rejuvenated.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How to Encourage Imaginative Play in Your Kids?

It is really important to understand the various benefits of pretend-play for kids as it demonstrates why it is so important a component in your child’s life. Here are a few ways to encourage imaginative play in your children:

Share Stories
Ever since early days of the humankind, people have gathered around fire to share and listen to stories. Through such group experiences, older generations passed on their wisdom to the next generations. So, it isn’t surprising that storytelling is suggested, by the caregivers at the kindergarten in Kalai, to fire up kid’s imagination.

Let your kid dress up
Parents may simply provide their kids with old clothes that they don’t really wear anymore, as well as Halloween costumes that’s stuffed in the closet. Give your kids an old stick/baton, and within seconds, it could become a magical wand. When kids dress up, the very next natural step is role-playing in any fantasy world, virtually, that their young, creative minds can conjure. Perhaps just 3 taps of magic wand could transport your child to Jupiter, where they may need to problem-solve.
Let your kid tell you stories about their fantasy world. There’s research that indicate that, when the parents play with their kids, they are more likely to get happy and are less likely to be experiencing anxiety.

Embrace downtime
When parents fill each and very free time of their kid’s life with the structured activities, suggests a caregiver at the kindergarten in Atladra Vadodara, then they aren’t really promoting creativity. So, it is important to include ample time for pretend-play, both outdoors and indoors.

Monday, April 27, 2020

How to Keep Your Child Busy at Home?

For many parents, parking their kids in front of the TV or handing them an iPad may seem like the easiest and swift way of keeping them entertained, it is also true that this method isn’t the most productive at all. There are numerous different ways that parents can use to keep their child busy.
It is true that parents just can’t dedicate the entire day to their kids, spending every minute with them – as parents have to take care of their jobs and chores as well. And it’s tough to come up with other effective ideas to keep children busy for extended period of time.

Here are some great ideas, suggested by the teacher at the kindergarten in Kalai, to help parent keep their child busy at home:

Let your child help you
When parents are busy with household chores, it could be a great idea to allow their child to help them do simple tasks. Parents may let their kids help with a job that is age-appropriate. Parent may, for instance, ask their child to string the beans, set the dining table, etc. This is a great way of keeping your child busy while you do your job as well.

Create game boxes
Fill a box with the things and stuff that your child loves playing with, even when they are by themselves. This game box may include age-appropriate puzzles, coloring books, playing cards, toys, etc. The Teacher at the kindergarten in Atladra Vadodara suggests that parents give their child this game box whenever they need to keep their child busy and distracted.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Security Facilities and Features That All Preschools Should Have

Kids tend to be very gullible and therefore it is important that the preschool that they are in offers a completely safe and secure environment, not only for your child’s safety but also for your peace of mind.
Here are some security features that all preschools should have:

Biometric scanning system for guardians

Nowadays, schools have biometric scanners that records the fingerprints of the guardians after students are admitted. Entry to school needs to be permitted only when the guardian’s fingerprints match with the data in the biometric system.

Clean and hygienic classroom floors

Kids learn a lot of physical activities at preschool and nursery franchise in Rajkot. They spend a significant amount of time on the classroom floors. So, parents should make sure that the floors are cleaned often.
Smoke Detectors
A big mishap could be prevented when a preschool is equipped with smoke detectors, heat detectors, and fire alarms. So, if you are looking for preschool franchise opportunitiesmake sure it has these facilities for better security. Parents don’t have to hesitate about asking the security staff members to demonstrate how well the smoke detectors work and react to even small flames and little smoke.

Child-friendly, safe toys
The overall security of children at preschool would be incomplete unless the toys there aren’t age-appropriate and safe to use. The toys shouldn’t have sharp edges and loose parts. Also make sure that the furniture at the school is kid-friendly, having round edges and proper padding.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Benefits of Investing in A Preschool Franchise

In the past few years, India has seen a massive increase in demand for preschools, which has led to preschool franchise opportunities becoming a really lucrative business opportunity for both the franchisee as well as the franchisor.
Here are some benefits of investing in a preschool franchise:
It is a Highly-Lucrative Business Opportunity
Preschool franchise or nursery franchise in Rajkot, as well as in other places, is quickly grabbing the market since the last few years. The demands and trends of Indian parents are the key contributor to this rapid boom that is being observed in the preschool business sector in India.

The modern parents in India take early childhood education seriously, and are prepared to invest in their child’s future from a young age.
This trend is seen also partly because of the increasing number of working parents, especially in urban areas. Parents love the idea of preschool where their child are in safe and learning environment, while they themselves could be at their job.
Low Capital Investment with Great Returns
Preschool franchise opportunities could be easily initiated with low capital investment and it could reap great returns. And while preschool franchise will give you good money, you would also feel proud to be contributing towards the education sector.

With rise of disposable incomes as well as more working parents in urban areas, preschool franchise opportunities are rising at a great pace. With low investment, one can pursue their social goals while successfully achieving their business goals too.

Benefits Of Getting Preschool Franchise In Surat

When you are looking to make sure that your child has the best start in life, you should definitely get him or her in a preschool franchise Surat that can educate your child to deal with the challenges of life in a better way. A strong and efficient preschool experience can actually serve as the foundation of a better academic life. By getting your child in a reputed preschool, you can make sure that your child develops enhanced skills of arithmetic, linguistics and other lessons that can enable him or her to understand the world in a better way. This can definitely equip your child to achieve a greater sense of independence and achievement as he or she grows into a capable and responsible human being.
It is the rising demand for school franchise over the last couple of years that has led many firms to offer such franchise solutions to those who want to launch a preschool institution for young boys and girls. Obtaining play school franchise opportunity can actually help in educating more and more young boys and girls so that they can have a better shot while dealing with the challenges of their lives. Currently there are many well known schools and boards that can offer eager individuals to have franchise of a nice preschool. This not only promotes the spirit of education but can also serve as a platform where children can achieve the full potential that they are born with.
Whether you are thinking of getting your child into a nice preschool or want to launch a preschool all by yourself, you can definitely benefit a lot by obtaining franchise solutions from reputed providers of such solutions. This can actually benefit you in more ways than one as you show the light of knowledge to a batch of new young minds.