Friday, June 12, 2020

Do Preschool-Going Kids Still Need Naps?

There are preschools that are eliminating naps altogether. This is because these preschool programs want to prepare the kids for kindergarten, where the daytime naps don’t take place any more. But, what about the times when your kid isn’t at school? How could parents tell if their kids still need naps?

During early childhood, crucial mental and physical development occurs - suggests a caregiver at the preschool in AtladaraVadodara – and naps provide kids with the much-needed downtime that’s crucial for rejuvenation and growth.

Most preschoolers tend to get about 10-12 hours of total sleep during nighttime, and then they need some more rest. This is partly because how active these kids just are at this age. And while parents may worry that daytime naps would make falling asleep at night more challenging for their little ones, the fact is that naps can actually keep kids from getting overtired. And why’s that important? It is important because being overtired could make falling asleep during bedtime all the more difficult for kids.

Here is another great thing about naps. In case your kid doesn’t really fall asleep during the naptime, at least he/she would get some quiet time. And if that peaceful time leads to sleep altogether, then that is good. And if not, there’s value in quiet time in itself, even when your kid looks at their book in the bed. So, the caregiver at the preschool inGotri Vadodara suggests, provides your child with ample naptime to keep them active and rejuvenated.

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